Friday, 8 August 2014

More than Friendly Feelings

"My feelings for F for friend boy have only gotten worse... I really don't know what to do now, he said he might like one of my friends but he isn't sure... I thought I had a chance but now I really don't know what to do."

Ahh... You're fighting it too hard. You've got to let it be. I always say that you have to embrace your emotions and never be ashamed or sorry about the way that you feel. It sounds like you are very unsure of your feelings. Part of that is probably because you're trying to resist so much... You need to sit down and be really honest about your feelings. Do you really have feelings for this person? Do you want it to go anywhere? Do you want this person to like you back? What do you want? This first step is figuring out your true feelings and wants and accepting them before you can either do something about it, or move on from it. It's up to you. It really is. I believe that there is no such thing as "I can't control myself". You, control you. If you want to let go of your more than friendly feelings for this person than you can, it is totally up to you. I'm not saying that it's easy, if you don't make an effort and if you are not productive about it then it won't just happen. You have to stop shutting yourself down for a start, before taking some serious steps towards moving on from your little (or not so little) crush... See my post about break-ups for some tips? This probably isn't as serious but you may find some valuable advice in letting go.

If you're sure that you DON'T want to let it go and your feelings are too serious to not do anything about, then maybe you should be honest? I know you don't want to ruin your friendship and by the looks of things he probably doesn't reciprocate your feelings (or maybe he does, but is too afraid to admit just like you? What? Nothing wrong with being a little optimistic). That doesn't mean that you can't be honest though. Start by saying, "I really don't want to ruin our friendship and if you don't feel the same way, that is totally okay and things do not have to be weird between us, I just wanted to be honest with you about the way that I feel." You really don't want to waste your time with what ifs... You would kick yourself knowing that you could of had a chance but you let your nerves get in the way? If he says he feels the same way, it could be the beginning of something awesome right? And if he doesn't then sure, things might be a bit awkward for a while but they will soon go back to normal and you will have the closure that you need! Win, win win!

Good luck everyone.
-We are golden

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